A peculiar characteristic of biomass utilization is the necessity of transport from the local of cutting to a central transformer which makes the geographic proximity of the offer a determining factor for the final cost of the generated electric energy. Noon [11] developed a GIS for the Tennessee Valley, USA which considered the following variables: the characteristics of places of biomass offer, places of demand and transport costs, technical characteristics of the plants,forestry residues or cultivated forests, road networks and administrative limits. Voivontas [12] developed awork on the Island of Crete about the biomass potential for generation of electric energy. It deals with the combination of evaluation of the resources (theoretical
and/or available), the transport cost, the identification of optimum locals for biomass cultivation and the definition of the size of the plant for determining its economic competitiveness in the presence of conventional sources. Similarly in Spain one was developed by IBERINCO [13].