From Darth Vader's melted helmet to Rey lightsaber hilt, Star Wars fans can now get their hands on replicas of the props used in the sci-fi franchise's last movie. Disney and Lucasfilm have launched the line of made-to-order precisely detailed items seen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, created by the Propshop team that helped design and make the props for the film at Britain's Pine- wood Studios. "We're based in Pinewood Studios where Star Wars is actually filmed and we've cre- ated for the first time a pipeline to be able to manufacture these products and make them available to the consumer," Propshop director James Enright said. They're unique because they actually come from the studio They're made by and film hnicians who do this every day who are very assionate about what they do To ensure the items accurately match the seen in the film, Propshop uses data collected during the making of the movie and combines it with 3D printin technology. Once the item is built, the final of paint are added and rubbing down is done to complete the replica. Star Wars Collecti cre- bles: Ultimate Studio Edition" features eight to prop replicas, also including Finn's bloodied Stormtrooper helmet and Chewbacca's bow- ster, with prices ranging from US$1,250(44,490 baht to $3,500. REUTERS