Table 7 and 8 show the standardized path coefficients and the relationship between construct to answer the, hypotheses. According to the value of regression weight which the hypotheses will be accepted when the probability value is < = 0.05. The. Net benefit is significantly affected by information quality and user satisfaction is significantly affected by net, benefit. The H2 is supported with standardized coefficient 0.642 and probability value is 0.001 < = 0.05. H4 is supported with standardized. Coefficient 0.509 and probability value is 0.001 < = 0.05 H6a is supported with standardized coefficient 0.305 and probability. Value is 0.03 < = 0.05. In conclusion user satisfaction, did not significantly affected by system quality. Then net benefit. Did not significantly affected by system quality. There was no relationship between use and net benefit and vice, versa. Use did not significantly affected by user satisfaction.
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