Now, what does this strategy (1/2, 1/2) mean in relation to the game of life. It is the attitude of equal disposition to gain or loss, pleasure or pain, success or failure, heat or cold and in short, to every pair of opposites. It is what is called, the philosophy of Detached Action (Nishkam Karm Yog) [7]: “Do thy duty, reward is not thy concern”. It is this strategy alone that ensures no loss and no risk to the individual in the long run. It is the master strategy to overcome the impediments of uncertainty. It leads to the mastery of one’s own self, to the emancipation of soul and to the state of beatitude and perpetual bliss. Every other strategy, pure or mixed, is replete with risk and attendant losses - physical, mental and spiritual and leads the human being to the state of slavery of ever expanding desires and constant pursuit of the so called pleasures with consequent tensions and miseries which follow as natural corollaries to the non-fulfillment of desires. The master becomes the slave, as the great philosopher saint Vivekanand once remarked: “We came here to enjoy, we are being enjoyed; we came here to work, we are being worked; we came here to sip honey but we fi nd out hands and feet stuck to it.” Experiences of our daily life bear testimony to it. We buy machines to work for us but after some time when we have too many machines, we start working for them.