The spatial extent of different categories of land cover along with
their classification accuracies is presented in Table 2, and land
cover classes were delineated by classifying the satellite data
using the maximum likelihood algorithm (Classified Image in Fig.
2). Among the different land cover types, open mixed forest
occupied the largest area, while the lowest area was covered by
water bodies. Open mixed forest occupied 20.98% of total area of
the watershed followed by dense mixed forest in 19.12 percent,
habitation and agriculture in 16.84% and degraded mixed forest in
13.92% of total area. Open grasslands were only found in 1.58
percent area. The classification accuracy for different land use
classes ranged from 71.2−100%. The highest accuracy was observed
in water bodies and grassland followed by habitation and
agriculture, teak forest, degraded mixed forest and dense mixed
forest. The accuracy was poor in open mixed forest and sal mixed