Although S. stipitis is a yeast exhibiting excellent
xylose-fermenting ability, it did not perform well under
high-temperature conditions; in contrast to strain
ATY839 which produced ethanol under such conditions.
Among the C. shehatae strains, ATCC 22984 is a wellcharacterized
strain; Li et al. (Li et al. 2012) isolated a
high-ethanol-yield mutant from C. shehatae ATCC
22984 by UV irradiation and cultivation with a medium
containing antimycin A, suggesting that the introduction
of a mutation may be effective for improving C. shehatae.
It is possible that C. shehatae mutants derived from
strain ATY839 by a method such as that described in Li
et al. (Li et al. 2012) will show more suitable characteristics
for bioethanol production from a lignocellulosic