After reviewing the SS15 forecast, we have increased our number by +17% on units and +20% on value from the initial forecast (please refer to the attached file) which we are confident that it is the appropriate number for us.
However, it is still behind the previous year order. This forecast reflects the current situation in our market of slowing down consumer spending due to downward trend of Thailand’s Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) and negative year-on-year retail sales.
CCI measures consumer’s outlook about current and future economic conditions, job prospects and income expectations. The last month index hit the lowest one in 13 months.
While year-on-year retail sales indicates the comparison of monthly retail sales over the same month in the previous year. The year-on-year retail sales are in the negative territory for four consecutive months (Feb - May). The June index has not been released but is expected be the same trend as we were experienced in the first four months.
In addition, we have still a plenty of stock on hand both in our stores and warehouse which is real reflection of slowing down consumer spending.
We should increase the number of our forecast when the market situation changes in Q4’ 15.
Hope you understand our situation.