I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s)V4.2-V4.10 of Appendix V: Immigration Rules for Vistors because:
You state in your application form that you wish to visit your friend Prapin Seriniyom for a period of 15 day and will travel with your husband. You state you are supported by your husband and are in receipt of a monthly income of 550 from stocks and shares.
I note you were previously issued a UK visa on 1 February 2013 valid until 1 August 2013 in order to visit the same sponsor. You travelled to the UK on 12 March 2013 and have stated within your application that you left the UK on 15 August 2013 while records indicate that you left on 20 August 2013. You have not explained why you remained in the UK after the expiry of your visa nor why you remained for a period of 5 months rather than the 12 days indicated. This leads me to doubt that your intentions on this occasion are as stated.
Whilst I am satisfied that you have sufficient funds for your propposed trip, your circumstances in Thailand are not clear and given the circumstances of your previous visit I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you are genuinely seeking entry to the United Kingdom as a visitor or that you intend to leave at the end of the period of the visit as required by Paregraph V4.2
Future Applications
Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits, however you are likely to be refused unless:
. your personal circumstances change significantly between now and your next application
. you provide compelling new evidence with your next application.
In relation to this decision there is no right of appeal of right to administrative review.
You state in your application form that you wish to visit your friend Prapin Seriniyom for a period of 15 day and will travel with your husband. You state you have had your own business selling dental equipment since 2005 with a monthly salary of 55,000 THB and a further 450 from stocks and shares but have not submitted and evidence of your business of stated income.