„Bastard, you in underestimate who!” At this time made early the cloud poor business conditions that did not have most to start light, the long time could not capture Ye Xiwen, early has made him somewhat breathless.
Long Spear in his hand passes through the expansive sky instantaneously, Heaven and Earth is limitless, the (spear|gun) glow pierces the expansive sky, must pass through instantaneously general Ye Xiwen.
„Human Burial Sword!”
„Earth Burial Sword!”
„Buries Sky Sword!”
Ye Xiwen brandished three sword light in the sky, suddenly unexpectedly Heaven and Earth with sad, the probably entire world wanted the destruction generally, that was one type fluctuates scared.
These three sword light under the control of Ye Xiwen, condensed one in the sky, condensed a handle terrifying light sword.
Heaven and Earth person!
Almost has represented all between Heaven and Earth, but this sword, must ruin, it can be imagined, this sword had terrifying how.
This set of «Sword Burial Secret Art» in the hand of Ye Xiwen, early already went to as one desires the situation, three sword unions, startled Heaven and Earth is indescribably tragic, as if can give to pass through general entire Heaven and Earth.
Heaven and Earth changes, returned the clear and boundless sky a moment ago, is cloudy all of a sudden, this is the heaven is also sobbing, immerses in deconstruction Domain of sword intent, in Ye Xiwen builds.
That sword has not divided, lets feel that the astonishing pressure has shelled.
: Also misses 11 tickets, today on before down, everybody's bill, the roaring dust waits waits!