3.2. Aggregate size distribution
For all treatments and sampling times, aggregate fractions were dominated by macroaggregates, which accounted for an average of 8 and 58% dry soil weight for the large (>2000-mm) and small macroaggregates (250-2000-mm), respectively . The macroaggregates were composed mostly of microaggregates, which comprised an average of 49% of the whole soil weight. The addition of ORs, alone or with N fertilizer increased the proportion of large macroaggregates compared to the control, resulting in greater MWDwith the addition of ORs compared to the
control, except for sole applied Calliandra. The greatest MWD and proportion of large macroaggregates were observed with sole maize, but these were significantly reduced following the addition of N fertilizer (Table 3, Fig. 1a). In contrast,
the addition of N fertilizers with Calliandra resulted in greater MWD and proportions of large macroaggregates than sole applied Calliandra