A maximum reduction of 47.07% of cellulose, 48.74% of and 45.33% of lignin were obtained for a treatment time of 20 min. The total sugar content is increased by 63.71% due to the possible conversion of cellulose polymers into monomers and dimmers. The effect of sodium hydroxide(1% w/v) on treatment of bagasse(particle size of 0.15 mm) is well studied by conducting experiments are conducted using 1% (w/v) sodium hydroxide and the pretreatment time is varied form 5 to 20 mins. A maximum reduction of 7.80% of cellulose, 11.42% of hemicellulose and 17.42% of lignin were obtained for a treatment time of 20 min(Fig.2a, 2b and 2c). The total sugar content is increased by 7.87% due to the possible conversion of cellulose polymers into