The mathematical description of this system was given later by Sun et al. In the same manner as Sun et al., the simulation of Alexis and Rogdakis was done on a similar system using CH4O/H2O as the refrigerant. In their study, solar energy was assumed to be the energy source of the refrigerator.The approach proposed by the series of studies of Eames and Wu is shown in Fig. 16. This cycle is a combined cycle between a steam jet heat pump and a single-effect absorption refrigerator. The steam jet heat pump is used to recover heat rejected during the condensation of the refrigerant. This recovered heat is supplied back to the generator of an absorption system. In this case, the maximum temperature of the solution is 80 C. Therefore, the corrosion problem is eliminated. The experimental COP of 1.03 was claimed. Other studies related to hybrid ejector-absorption cycle were also presented in.