Context-awareness enables the personalization of computer systems according to the users' needs and their particular situation at a given time. The personalization capabilities are usually implemented by programmers due to
the complex processes that are involved. However, an important trend in software development is that more and
more software systems are being implemented not only by programmers but also by people with expertise in
other domains. Since most of the existing context-aware development toolkits are designed for programmers,
non-technical users cannot develop these kinds of systems. The design of tools to create context-aware systems
by users that do not have programming skills but are experts in the domain where the system is going to be
deployed, will contribute to speed up the adoption of these kinds of services by the society. This paper presents
a cloud-based platform to ease the development of context-aware mobile applications by people without programming skills. The platform has been designed to be used in a tourism domain. This way, tourism experts
can send tourist information to mobile users according to their context data (indoor/outdoor location, language,
and date and time range). An energy-efficient mobile app has been developed in order to obtain context data
from the user's device and to receive personalized information in real time based on these data. The architecture
and implementation details of the system are presented and the evaluation of the platform by tourism domain
experts is discussed.
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