With the stream, in [4] developed 3D
representation system where 3D objects can be constructed in a virtual space, based on the idea of
traditional 2D-Logo and physical LEGO bricks. While Logo makes a figure in 2D plane by using
basic symbols of ‘forward’ and ‘rotate’, JavaMAL microworld designed in [3] can make a 3D
shape with polycubes. A polycube is a solid figure formed by joining one or more unit cubes face to
face. Figure 4 shows 5 basic embodied symbols which would construct polycubes. ‘s’ is a symbol
for a turtle to make a cube as moving one step forward from its position, and ‘R’ and ‘L’ are
symbols for a turtle to change its direction to right and left respectively. In addition, ‘u’ and ‘d’ are
symbols for a turtle to make a cube by lifting on floor up and down as if a turtle is in an elevator.
The left-side image in Figure 4 is a polycube constructed by the symbols of ‘ssRsusLssd