3. Results and Discussions
The results imply that there is very little difference between the pre (m=1.94) and post test (m=2.2) of the control group (t calculated = -17.123 > t table 1.86, Sig. 2 tailed=0.000). However, there is a little difference between the pre (m=2.25) and post test (m=2.61) results of the experimental group. When we observe the difference between the control and the experimental group, the difference in the experimental group is more than the difference in the control group.
As to the analysis of the results for the experimental group, a paired samples t-test was run. The results show that the tcalculated value (-11.788;Sig.(2 tailed)=0.000) is bigger than the t-table value (1.86). This result implies that there is a little difference between the pre (m=2.25) and the post-test (2.61) results of the experimental group. Therefore, one can conclude that the treatment that the experimental group participants in this study received contributed to the improvement of the problematic phonemes to a certain degree.
This result may indicate that though using sentence drills, repetition, minimal pairs, etc. seems not to be a significant predictor, but has a very little contribution to the improvement of pronunciation in our case in the teaching of problematic consonants to young learners when compared to using songs and games. As a result, it might be speculated that the young learners in the control group did not receive as many communicative activities as the experimental group did.