The MWCI is strongly committed to the targets for sewerage and sanitation stipulated in its concession agreement. The project would help to achieve those targets. Since the start of the concession in 1997 MWCI maintains good and steadily improving standards of service and complies with service coverage targets. MWSS has been fully supportive in planning the project implementation, having even succeeded in obtaining concurrence from involved community leaders and heads of local governments. MWCI is in good financial health, and financial projections indicate that that status will be maintained in the future after implementation of the proposed project. Also, the partnership agreements among the watershed institutions that will be established under the GEF project will utilize existing governance structures within the identified basins. These agencies will continue to implement activities within their mandates, but with some enhancement of the processes expected to take place in the course of project implementation. Sustainability and mechanisms for replication will be mainstreamed within these structures as well as through their existing programs. Financial self-reliance will also be ensured given that project additionalities are still within their respective spheres of influence.