This study examines the mediating role of job fit on the relationship betweenperceived supervisor support (PSS) and perceived organizational support (POS), and themediating role of personal sacrifice on the relationship between POS and turnover intention.We use structural equation modeling (SEM) with a data set consisting of a sample of 346individuals in a manufacturing firm to test our proposed model of PSS, POS, and turnoverintention. Consistent with prior literature, our hypothesized model confirms that PSS is apredictor of POS and that POS is a predictor of turnover intention. By testing two additionalcompeting and theoretically derived nested models, our findings indicate that job fit partiallymediates the relationship between PSS and POS, and that personal sacrifice partially medi-ates the relationship between POS and turnover intention. Our study is among the first toexamine job fit and personal sacrifice as mediators within the POS-turnover intention model.