The genuine happy smiling face is very easy to infect is very easy to feel, Qing Shui has a look at her to say with a smile: „Came some days, continuously in Seven Stars Region.”
The Hai Dongqing umbrella is not big, now two people are standing, Qing Shui saw that on side shoulder of Hai Dongqing dropped many snowflakes, goes out hastily outward half step.
Actually such snowflake is nothing regarding the person of practice, but opens an umbrella is the custom, said again opens an umbrella is also convenient to the female.
„This snow can get bigger and bigger, but also wants the period of time, walks, please go to my family.” Hai Dongqing looks at Qing Shui to say with a smile.
Qing Shui is looks for Three-Tailed Immortal Fox, saw that this snow is very big, in addition also just arrived here, was planning that looks for a restaurant to stay, under the understanding here situation moves again, has not actually thought to meet Hai Dongqing, said that really Qing Shui does not want to go to Hai Family now, is so troublesome.
„How, to have the matter? Said that I am also here landlord, we also calculate that several reasons, have entertained you one also should be.” Hai Dongqing sees Qing Shui hesitant look saying gently.
Her sound has magnetism of attracting, solemn elegant has moving of not being able saying that the frown and smile is a gracefulness, making the human unable to pick up a slight defect.
„No, that disturbed the sea young lady.” Qing Shui thinks also to look for inn in any case, simply went to Hai Family to be good, can under the understanding here situation, say that in a person of this Ice Cold City not understanding, this was also half friend, before the place that let alone Qing Family lives in now was, Hai Family manor, therefore there is a relation that the type did not talk clearly lightly.
They hold an umbrella to walk in the heavy snow in abundance, Qing Shui searches the body as far as possible outward, even if this unavoidably wants to touch with the shoulder of Hai Dongqing.
„You look, isn't that the sea fairy maiden?”
„Um, who is that man? Not like Pipefish?” Asking that a nearby youth has doubts.
„Your anything look, does not need to look also knows that is not the Pipefish.” Formerly person returned to one.
„But sea fairy maiden has not gotten married probably, had not heard that walks near with that son.”
When they stop before exquisite silk delicate manor courtyard stare, such small manor courtyard is impossible to stay Hai Family that many people.
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