It might work with some languages, but Russian is a bad choice, for example there is no letter with equal sound to "ы" in English (and many other languages), so the transcriptions use the closest sound, which is still wrong. On top of that you have to keep in mind that you can't read it like an English word. If you really have to speak the language, try to learn how to pronounce the alphabet of the language you need, it might be difficult at first, but you'll probably get better pronunciation over time. For example German uses the same alphabet as English (if you ignore ä,ö,ü and ß, but you have comparable sounds in English), but some letters are pronounced different from English, so when a native English speaker tries to act like he/she knows some German, it sounds really weird (I heard a couple of tourists doing that).
And by the way google translated your sentence slightly wrong, first of all it should be "говорил" instead of "говорили", or "говорила" for female speakers. And for some reason the word order seems weird, but I guess someone from Russia should be able to give a better answer.