Computer self-efficacy was measured using the 10 items
developed by Compeau and Higgins (1995). Seven items to
measure organizational support were adopted from Igbaria
(1990) and Thompson et al. (1991). Training was measured
using five items which were adapted from Amoako-gyampah
and Salam (2004). Technology complexity was measured
using four items from Thompson et al. (1991). Compatibility
was measured using four items from Premkumar and
Ramamurthy (1995). Technology acceptance model scales
of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were
measured using four items adapted from Davis (1989) and
Davis et al. (1989). Intention to use was measured using two
items from Azjen and Fishbein (1980). To measure panoptic
empowerment, 15 items of Sia et al. (2002) were used, and
for individual performance, two items of Goodhue and
Thompson (1995) were used. The operationalization of
each measure is provided in Appendix A.