• B2B demand and supply chain forecast: Using insights from the flow of goods and millions of daily shipments, demand and supply chain requirements can be forecasted: Market intelligence for small and medium-sized companies: By analysing shipment records a market research service can be provided to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Financial demand and supply chain analytics: Data collected from global distribution networks provide insight into growth perspectives, etc.
• Real-time local intelligence: Pick-up and delivery shipment data analysis is a huge source of intelligence: Address verification: Verification of customer’s
address, a big requirement for online commerce.
Environmental intelligence: Using different sensors on delivery vehicles can produce environmental statistics such as city expansion and pollution.
What is described above is very innovative, but also forward- thinking, plus the realisation of what the combination of big data and advanced analytics can achieve. To remain competitive in a very dynamic and cut-throat environment DHL believes it needs to develop its future strategies utilising big data with the appropriate analytic tools and methodologies.