Eve : In My opinion , this topic is not suitable because the editing of story isnot good and some sentence difficult to understand.
Pair : I agree with you .
Fah : I Think so, some vocab is difficult.
Ann : OK. Let’s go to the next point . The topic sentence is cause of courage.
Yo: Could you explain what the introducing idea is ?
Ann : I will explain to you , courage lies within individual It will be brought out by stimulant.
Eve : What’s your opinion about supporting ideas ? It’s form the first cause is provocation. The second causeis purpose. The third cause is in a higher power.
Fah : There are 3 supporting ideas which are the for example of first cause heros help his family from the villain kidnaps.Does anyone have anything to add?
Pair: Yes , is about For example of second cause the twin tower was destroyed by terrorist , then people join the arm forces for serving their country .
Yo: And the last one I think about a believe in something such as the present of god.
Eve , Pair , Fah : Oh yeah I think so .
Ann : Could we move on the concluding sentence?
Fah : I Think that concluding just tell about 3 cause of courage.
Ann : I agree with you.
Pair :DO well all agree ?
Eve ,Fah ,Yo : Yes !
Ann :Yo , would you like to give us your opinion about vocab?
Yo : In my opinion, over all isn’t ok. Would anyone like to comment ?
Fah :Let’s see the line A. In my opinion, I think the writer sould avoid using normally the necessary in stead of more of ten than not .
Eve : I think about the conjunction the writer should avoid using more conjunction such as, not only butalso, and instead of comma .
Pair : And also the signal word.
Yo : So, we have decided that this paragraph is good one, but continuity of story should easier to understanding and vocab is very difficult writer should use general vocab .