physical activity can also improve emotional health by helping to manage stress, spiritual health by focusing on nature and bodily sensations, and social health by exercising with other people . In addition, physical activity can help diminish and postpone the effects of aging and aid in recuperation from illnesses and medical procedures. Furthermore, physical activity con make you feel more confident and there by improve your self-esteem. it can also improve. self- esteem by helping to maintain recommemnded body weight and a desisable body image ,and the realization that, even if the challenges are not successfully overcome, significant learning occurs.Self-esteem is also enhanced went endurance and strength are developed so you can perfrom daily activities effectivety and for longer periods of time
physical activity can also improve emotional health by helping to manage stress, spiritual health by focusing on nature and bodily sensations, and social health by exercising with other people . In addition, physical activity can help diminish and postpone the effects of aging and aid in recuperation from illnesses and medical procedures. Furthermore, physical activity con make you feel more confident and there by improve your self-esteem. it can also improve. self- esteem by helping to maintain recommemnded body weight and a desisable body image ,and the realization that, even if the challenges are not successfully overcome, significant learning occurs.Self-esteem is also enhanced went endurance and strength are developed so you can perfrom daily activities effectivety and for longer periods of time
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