Critique of ‘Sustainability’ in Tourism
Though the limitations of sustainable tourism have been highlighted as a contrast between
theoretical understanding and practical ability, it is necessary to address one of the
fundamental limitations of sustainable development and tourism which is widely
disregarded in the literature. This literature review has highlighted the theoretical
foundations of sustainable tourism, yet few researchers have called into question the
essential practicability of ‘sustainability’. The majority of researchers accept the theoretical
foundations, and through their individual interpretations, produce further theoretical
conclusions, or aim to use this interpreted theoretical understanding to inform practice.
Without the bias of interpretation of theoretical definitions, the practice of sustainable
tourism, particularly for the stimulus of development in LDCs, is logically impossible.
Pursuing sustainable tourism in it purist form will fail to succeed as the volatility of the
tourist market acts as an uncontrollable force for destinations, the effects of which are
amplified in the small niche markets advocated by sustainable tourism. The conservation
goals, environmental and sociocultural, which are the core focus for ‘sustainable’ are in
direct conflict with development goals, both at the community and the tourism industry