Try to stay calm. You must concentrate. Panic can make others panic and the situation worse. There needs to be a calm person to determine the extent of damage and to determine if there are any injuries that need immediate medical attention.And remember key details that may be important later to your car insurance agent or lawyer. Staying calm will also help you to physically document details.
Call the emergency service.Telephone number of emergency service is 191.When you called, have an ambulance,guards and police come.By this time, the police officer should be there. Cooperate with the police officer fully and always request an accident report.
Sometimes doing this much documentation may be uncomfortable for you and the other people involved, but it can be vital in processing insurance claims quickly and/or if you were to get sued due to the car accident.
Here are some additional things to consider when documenting the extent of a car accident's damage and injuries:
1. List missing or damaged personal items you kept in your car such as electronics, glasses and contents of your purse or wallet.
2. Make sure to document how you feel physically, however insignificant. Sometimes a small backache from a car accident can lead to serious back problems just a few days later. Try to document this same medical information about all persons involved in the accident.
3. Taking pictures of everything is important--pay particular attention to looking for skid marks and other things that were damaged in the car accident such as light poles or trees and document the damage with photographs.
4. Don't sign anything unless you are fully aware of what you are agreeing to. If you don't understand what you are asked to sign, by anyone, it is best to contact a car accident lawyer to help you. Also, only discuss the details of the car accident with the attending police officer and do not admit guilt. The specific details are all that is needed--the insurance companies and/or lawyers will determine who is responsible for the damages.
Try to stay calm. Panic can make others panic and the situation worse. There needs to be a calm person to determine the extent of damage and whether there are any injuries that need immediate medical attention.
File a Car Accident Report with the Police
Even in a minor accident, it is important to make sure there is a legal accident report. Do not leave the scene until the police file a full report.
Discuss the Car Accident Only with the Police
With everyone all shaken up, it can be hard not to talk about what just happened, but that can also lead to you not thinking clearly and accurately about the accident. It is important to limit your discussion of the accident and not to admit any fault or liability. You should talk about the accident with the police and your insurance agent only.
Get the Facts
This is the part most people know to do, but often forget to after the accident for one reason or another. It is important to get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of everyone involved in the accident. A description of the car and license plate number can also be helpful, but make sure you also get the name of their insurance company and the vehicle identification number of their car. Don't just assume the license plate number will do because most insurance companies only record the type of car and the vehicle identification number, not the license plate number.
Call Your Insurance Company
Call your insurance company's 800-number immediately, even at the scene with the police if possible. Sometimes the police officer can give your insurance company more accurate information rather than information you may not be recording properly because you are upset by the accident. This can save you a lot of time later when you are waiting for your claim to be processed.
If you have additional questions about car insurance or the proper steps to take following a car accident, please contact an Insurance Town & Country specialist today.