last year I went go to Korach with my family we went to Korach for my cousin ordination ceremony we arrived korach around 10am after that we went to temple to the shave off the Naga after finished we go back to grandmother house. The day that day included relatives. we cooked for entertain guests to came congratulated. At night we had a small party at grandmother house because we don't have gathered a long time. We woke up early to prepare for Naga procession to the church. It's a tradition of Thailand a replacement grateful parents. After finished we go back to grandmother house my cousin one is persistent vegetative state and dying at a later time. many people believe that He received a good deeds and he"s in his own world. This trip was miraculous. Even my cousin are dead, but everyone was glad he did not have to suffer like this anymore and We were gratified to see relatives ordained.