Since, the objective has been set to develop a superior product compared to the one presently available in the market, we need to improve our product in the following areas, based on the recent evaluation.
1. Color of the rice is dull against the bright white of competition. Hence, please select the best polished white raw rice. This will give better appeal, quick cooking experiences to customer.
2. Grain length appears to me smaller.
3. Adjust the cooking to ensure the correct reconstitution happen in 5-7 min. Present 10min is very long time, consumer may not have the patience.
4. We can advise 175ml instead of present 150ml. This will give more volume to consumers. But, ensure NO residual water at the end of reconstitution and the surface of cooked rice appears to be dry and too moist.
5. Reconstituted rice must be separate and should not stick with one another.
6. We shall try to get Organic Flavour (Garlic & Onion oils).
7. Cooked & dehydrated vegetables must be bright, appealing color - Let us freeze the number of vegetables.
8. Source, smaller sized Green Peas to get more number / serve and price benefits.
9. Source, self-sealing aluminum foil covers to standardize reconstitution trials.
Please communicate through Line for basic development work, mile-stone achievements can be reported in emails.