Papayas can be an important source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and Mg for Pacific island populations. Papayas (one cup; 140 g) contain 8–11% of the DRI for Mg. The average vitamin C content for papaya fruit was 51.2 mg/100 g. Therefore, one cup of papaya cubes (140 g) would provide between 80% and 96% of the DRI for vitamin C for the average adult male and female, respectively. Depending on cultivar, this same amount of papaya would between 4% and 9% of the DRI for vitamin A for an adult female, and between 3% and 7% of the DRI for an adult male. However, the red-fleshed cultivars, Sunrise and SunUp, contain high concentrations of lycopene. Therefore, the antioxidant activity of these papayas may have a greater contribution to human health than the vitamin A activity.