Your assessor will provide you with a spreadsheet ‘FNSACCT507B – Assessment Task – 02 – Actual costs.xls’ for use in Microsoft Excel. Using this spreadsheet, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Using the spreadsheet and information you developed for Assessment Task 1, create a new worksheet for the valuation department, able to be used to track and compare budgeted and actual costs over time.
a. The layout of this should be in the form of Figure 2 and should include data for the three months provided, and should use formula to calculate columns totals.
b. You need to provide a first quarter summary, incorporating the same column headings as the monthly budget headings (budget, actual, $ Var, % Var), and use formula to calculate totals.
c. Calculate variances in dollar and percentage terms against budget for the actual data provided, using formula.