What the world would be like if there are no rules?
Number 1: We can do anything we want! We can run, shout, go anywhere, go home late, stay out partying all night and more. However, these are not the only ones; people will steal, kidnap, kill and there will also be some road incidents 'cause there's no rules to follow.
Number 2: The world would gone crazy if there are no rules. Yes. GONE CRAZY! We all know that, no rules means nothing to follow. There will be a lot of crimes, accidents, and more. It might be the end of the world after a day or two.
Number 3: The rulers of the world will be no use anymore. Since one of their main purpose is to keep the rules for people to obey, then their jobs will be no use anymore.
Number 4: Everything will be disorganized. Kids will no longer go to school if they want to, people will just roam around get someone's stuff, bad people will kill anyone they want, and everybody will just go to the convenience store to get the stuff they need without paying.
Can you now imagine how the world would be if there are no rules? Everyday will be a war and that's how the world would be if we continually wish or hope for the rules to be vanished forever.