Barbados should have specific target market that received from stay-over visitor and paid a lot of money. They focused only North America and Europe and should create the products that serve to this target because that will be easy to management. If we want to focus target market such as South America and Brazil that will difficult because in Barbados have weakness because they failed to reach its full potential with the loss of airlift between Brazil and Barbados and when they operate that will lack benefit for the airline.
In recent years, Barbados’ position in the market place had deteriorated, as reflected by stagnation in the level of stay-over visitor arrivals. Market share have problem when compare with compotators. They not have co-worker with private sector.
In Barbados is not opportunity to have specific target because the location can attract to both of adventure and leisure tourists but Barbados have opportunity to mass tourism industry. Now BTA is advertising and promotion by other stakeholders in the industry can attracted the traveler. They create niche activities for visitor and also have monthly activities schedule such as International Schools Netball Festival in August. They tried to create product to serve variety target market and they always have visitors in their island.