The AHP method involves two matrices. The rst matrix,
A D (aij), lists the retrieved attractions (i) from the pre-
vious step against criteria (j) for ranking attractions; the
element (aij) is the value of criterion j for attraction i. The
criteria will be weighted by the second matrix B D (bjk ).
Five commonly used criteria for attraction ranking are used
in this example [15], [20], [21]: spatial accessibility, temporal
availability, satisfaction, travel time, and cost. Spatial acces-
sibility indicates whether an attraction is within the distance
that a traveler can reach at a given length of time. Temporal
availability indicates whether an attraction is open on a given date. Both of them have two values: 1 (`available')
and 0 (`not available'). Satisfaction indicates how provided
activities at an attraction match with the traveler's preferred
activities. The value is the results from Step 1, ranging
between 0 to 1, where 0 means the worst match and 1 means
the best match. Travel time is the time spent to travel between
two attractions. The last criterion, the cost, is the admission