Theidentificationofnurseexpertswasperformedby searching a specific website with r´esum´es of Brazilian researchers ( The search process wascarriedoutinanintentionalsample.Thefollowing descriptors ‘decreased cardiac output’, ‘nursing diag-noses’, ‘nursing process’, ‘cardiovascular health’ and ‘validation’ were used to identify experts. This process identifiedatotalof60nurseexpertsandeachnursewas sent an invitation to participate in the study. However, only 31 volunteered to take part in the research and only 25 of the identified nurse experts completed and returned the data collection instrument. The research was conducted in full accordance with the ethical prin-ciples of the Declaration of Helsinki. The research protocol was approved by the Ethical Review Board of the Federal University of Cear´a, Brazil. In addition, all experts provided written informed consent.