Remove extend Jframe from Bingo
Extract method: called column parsing to int calledColumnOf(String) method
Extract method: called value parsing to int calledValueOf(String)
Introduce parameter object: toStringBingoCard(bingoCard, called) --> toStringBingoCard(new BingoCard(bingoCard, called))
Move method: toStringBingoCard -> BingoCard.toString
Copy&paste (only for a moment) toStringBingoCard to toStringBingoCard_temp
Override toString as just return toStringBingoCard_temp(this);
Inline method toStringBingoCard_temp
change body of toStringBingoCard as jus return bingoCard.toString()
Inline method toStringBingoCard
Extract local variable: BingoCard theBingoCard = new BingoCard(bingoCard, called)
Remove unused method: printBingoCard
Remove unused method: printArray
Extract method: the loop that updates called to void numberCalled(Integer[][], boolean[][] ...)