Bales of cotton causes fire chaos inside the Yennora Distributions Centre on Loftus Rd
SMOKE billowed from a western Sydney factory last night when large bales of cotton caught fire.
The bales burst into flames inside the Yennora Distributions Centre on Loftus Rd about 10.45pm.
The cotton is about 10m by 20m and stacked four-high inside the factory.
"The total area involved at the moment is about 1/8 of the building," Fire Rescue Superintendent Tom Cooper said. "But it does have potential to spread through to other bales."
Fire fighters rushed to isolate the blaze inside the 100m by 30m building to prevent other areas from catching alight.
He said, cotton is not extremely flammable but when it does catch fire it burns very sluggishly and can be difficult to put out.
Emergency services monitored the building overnight.