Over the last two decades much scientific effort has been expended on the radiative gaseous emissions in the atmosphere. Although there are no regulatory requirements for managing gaseous emissions at present, the long term indications are, that impact relater to air pollution must embrace the broad diversity and challenges associated with urban wastewater cycle management. This study has been considered as a precursor to development of a comprehensive impact assessment of gaseous emission from urban wastewater infrastructure and treatment facilities. It has been carried out in consideration of the future climate change scientific projections, including socio-economic and environmental impacts. Major progress could be gained from systemic approaches in relation to factors influencing emission and the collected data demonstrates correlation between wastewater quality, treatment and energy used with the level of emission. An early attempt was made to attribute environmental impact and costs on per capita basis, as the weight of responsibility to take action is shifting to the community and individuals. The presented framework and methodology offers reliable evaluation of gaseous emissions is an integrated context comprising technology, environment, social and economic factors.