photoassisted Fenton catalyst for degradation azo dye at neutral
pH 7.0 in our previous study [20]. The properties of the FeAA
are summarized in Table 1.
In this work, the tests and uses of FeAA as adsorbent for
the removal of Pb2+ from water are carried out. Furthermore,
we will investigate the thermodynamic and kinetic of the Pb2+
absorption onto FeAA, in order to obtain the thermodynamic
parameters, to establish the adsorption rate equation and to
assess the FeAA as adsorbent to treatment of heavy metals from
2. Material and methods
2.1. Adsorbent (FeAA) and solutions preparation
A novel and low cost adsorbent, iron oxide on an activated
alumina support, was developed in the the FBR-Fenton reaction
[21]. Deionized and doubly distilled water were used throughout
this investigation. By dissolving lead nitrate in deionized water,
we obtained the lead containing stock solution (1000 mg dm−3),
which was further diluted to the required concentrations before
being used.
2.2. Characterization of FeAA
Physico-chemical characteristics of the FeAA were determined
using standard procedures. Some properties of the FeAA
are shown in Table 1. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction (XRD),
Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and scanning
electron microscope (SEM) analyses of FeAA were carried out
in this study. XRD powder diffraction measurement of FeAA
was performed on a powder diffractometer (Rigaku RX III)
equipped with a Cu K radiation. The accelerating voltage and
current were 40 kV and 20 mA. A small portion of FeAA was
finely ground and then pressed (in vacumm) in the form of a disc
using spectroscopically pure dry KBr. The FTIR spectrum was
recorded at room temperature using a Bio-Rad FTS-40A. The
morphology of the activated alumina grain support and FeAA
were described using Hitachi S-4100 and Philips XL-40FEG
SEM. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area and
porosity of the iron oxide were obtained from the data of the
isotherms. The surface area of the iron oxide was calculated
using the BET equation.
2.3. Batch experimental programme
To evaluate the thermodynamic properties, we first prepared
various solutions with initial Pb2+ concentration ranging from
0.1 to 0.8 mM (100 ml, pH 5), and then added 0.2 g FeAA to
each solution. These samples were then mounted on a shaker and
shaken continuously for 48 h at 288, 308 and 318 K, respectively.
The suspensions were filtered using a 0.25 mm membrane, and
the filtrates were immediately measured using an atomic adsorption
spectroscopy (Hitachi Z-6100). The differences between the
initial and the equilibrium Pb2+ concentrations determine the
amount that Pb2+ adsorbed by FeAA.
The Adsorption kinetics experiments were performed on Jar
Test at a constant speed of 150 revolutions per minute (rpm). The
samples were prepared by adding 5.0 g of FeAA into 1000 ml
solution (pH 5.0), and the Pb2+ concentrations were 0.1, 0.2, 0.4
and 0.8 mM, separately, at 300 ± 1 K. Samples were withdrawn
and filtered using a 0.25 mm membrane and then analyzed by
an atomic adsorption spectroscopy. The amount of sorbed metal
per gram of adsorbent qt at time t was calculated as follows[22]:
qt = C0 − Ct
, (1)
where C0 and Ct are the Pb2+ concentration in liquid phase at
the initial and any time t (mmol dm−3), respectively, and mads is
the adsorbent amount in the solution (g dm−3).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Characterization of the FeAA adsorbent
Fig. 1 depicts the XRD patterns of the activated alumina
grain support and FeAA. The XRD data were analyzed with
photoassisted Fenton catalyst for degradation azo dye at neutralpH 7.0 in our previous study [20]. The properties of the FeAAare summarized in Table 1.In this work, the tests and uses of FeAA as adsorbent forthe removal of Pb2+ from water are carried out. Furthermore,we will investigate the thermodynamic and kinetic of the Pb2+absorption onto FeAA, in order to obtain the thermodynamicparameters, to establish the adsorption rate equation and toassess the FeAA as adsorbent to treatment of heavy metals fromwastewater.2. Material and methods2.1. Adsorbent (FeAA) and solutions preparationA novel and low cost adsorbent, iron oxide on an activatedalumina support, was developed in the the FBR-Fenton reaction[21]. Deionized and doubly distilled water were used throughoutthis investigation. By dissolving lead nitrate in deionized water,we obtained the lead containing stock solution (1000 mg dm−3),which was further diluted to the required concentrations beforebeing used.2.2. Characterization of FeAAPhysico-chemical characteristics of the FeAA were determinedusing standard procedures. Some properties of the FeAAare shown in Table 1. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction (XRD),Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and scanningelectron microscope (SEM) analyses of FeAA were carried outin this study. XRD powder diffraction measurement of FeAAwas performed on a powder diffractometer (Rigaku RX III)equipped with a Cu K radiation. The accelerating voltage andcurrent were 40 kV and 20 mA. A small portion of FeAA wasfinely ground and then pressed (in vacumm) in the form of a discusing spectroscopically pure dry KBr. The FTIR spectrum wasrecorded at room temperature using a Bio-Rad FTS-40A. Themorphology of the activated alumina grain support and FeAAwere described using Hitachi S-4100 and Philips XL-40FEGSEM. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area andporosity of the iron oxide were obtained from the data of theisotherms. The surface area of the iron oxide was calculatedusing the BET equation.2.3. Batch experimental programmeTo evaluate the thermodynamic properties, we first preparedvarious solutions with initial Pb2+ concentration ranging from0.1 to 0.8 mM (100 ml, pH 5), and then added 0.2 g FeAA toeach solution. These samples were then mounted on a shaker andshaken continuously for 48 h at 288, 308 and 318 K, respectively.The suspensions were filtered using a 0.25 mm membrane, andthe filtrates were immediately measured using an atomic adsorptionspectroscopy (Hitachi Z-6100). The differences between theinitial and the equilibrium Pb2+ concentrations determine theamount that Pb2+ adsorbed by FeAA.The Adsorption kinetics experiments were performed on JarTest at a constant speed of 150 revolutions per minute (rpm). Thesamples were prepared by adding 5.0 g of FeAA into 1000 mlsolution (pH 5.0), and the Pb2+ concentrations were 0.1, 0.2, 0.4and 0.8 mM, separately, at 300 ± 1 K. Samples were withdrawnand filtered using a 0.25 mm membrane and then analyzed byan atomic adsorption spectroscopy. The amount of sorbed metalper gram of adsorbent qt at time t was calculated as follows[22]:qt = C0 − Ctmads, (1)where C0 and Ct are the Pb2+ concentration in liquid phase atthe initial and any time t (mmol dm−3), respectively, and mads isthe adsorbent amount in the solution (g dm−3).3. Results and discussion3.1. Characterization of the FeAA adsorbentFig. 1 depicts the XRD patterns of the activated aluminagrain support and FeAA. The XRD data were analyzed with
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