Patent infringement. Samsung is infringing Apple’s and some other firms’ patents, thus, damaging its reputation and having to pay a huge amount of money in damages.
Too low profit margin. Samsung Electronics is the largest technology business in the world in terms of revenues but it has a low gross profit and net profit margins. Although its smartphones business is quite profitable, Samsung’s profit margin is low due to its semiconductors sales and aggressive price cuts.
Main competitors are also largest buyers. Apple, Sony, Dell, HP are the main buyers of Samsung Electronics products as well as the firm’s main competitors. Such situation would be favorable to Samsung (if competitors could not find complementary products and would form a relatively low share Samsung’s revenues) because it could use its bargaining power over competitors. Due to reverse conditions (competitors can find complements and they form a relatively high share of firm’s revenues) Samsung cannot use its bargaining power over competitors as it can easily lose its customers and sales.
Lack its own OS and software. Software and OS production has a high profit margin, can increase integration of company’s products and brand loyalty. Without strong software and OS Samsung is at disadvantage over its competitors.
Focus on too many products. Samsung Electronics serves 4 different industries with many different products in them. Samsung is at disadvantage over its competitors because it loses a focus when competing in too many industries and too many products.