An F3 population derived from C101LAC/CO39 containing 90 lines was analyzed for blast resistance with 48 candidate
genes developed from resistance gene analogs (RGA) and suppression subtractive library. Genetic analysis confirmed that blast
resistance of the population was controlled by a single gene Pi 1. One of the candidate genes, R10 was identified as associated
with the blast resistance gene on the long arm of chromosome 11 and mapped using a DH population derived from Azucena/IR64.
A pair of PCR based primers was designed based on the sequence of R10 for marker-aided selection of the blast resistance gene.
The recombination frequency between Pi 1 and the marker was estimated as 1.28%. It suggested that strategy of employing
candidate genes is useful for gene identification and mapping. A new RFLP marker and the corresponding PCR marker for tagging
of Pi 1 were provided