4. The Effects on Students of Concept Cartoons assisted Problem Based Learning
As a result of the effects, on students, of the concept cartoons assisted problem based learning process, semistructured interviews were carried out with them. Their views were recorded with a tape recorder and, then, written up by the researchers. Each student was asked the question: “What do you think were the effects on you of the concept cartoons assisted problem based learning method?” All the students stated positive effects of the so-called method. The effects, on students, of the concept cartoons assisted problem based learning method were that more notice was taken of the students’ opinions. This could be summarized as follows. The lesson was entertaining lesson: the students stated that, with the so-called method, lessons were pleasant and entertaining. Some students stated similar opinions. These opinions were: “It was entertaining. Lessons went well”; “We both learned and had fun”; “We learned by making fun”. Based on these opinions, it could be said that, with the concept cartoons assisted problem based learning method, the students were able to learn by having fun. Some interviewed students indicated the reasons for their answers. These answers were: “It provided for lessons to be pleasant. I liked it very much. Because, we solved the problem and speeches were pleasant.”; “Lessons were pleasant. Sometimes we get bored by writing in the lessons. Scenario provided for learning without writing. This was both entertaining and useful for learning.” ; and “Shapes and paintings included in modules. So lessons were entertaining.” According to the so-called views about concept cartoons assisted problem based learning, it could be said that students found this method, of solving problems, entertaining because speeches were included in caricatures and they thought more about the shapes and paintings than the writing included in modules . Active participation in learning process: In the course of the interviews, students stated that they were active in the learning process and discussed, each other, the concept cartoons assisted problem based learning method. Students presented their views about the activities in the so-called learning process. These opinions were: “We discussed with our friends”; “I participated in lessons less previously. But, with this method since everybody stated their views about subject, I participated in lessons mostly.”; “I paid attention in the course of lessons. I participated in lessons actively. Since lessons were entertaining, I said everything that came to my mind”; “I participated mostly in lessons. I discussed with my friends.”; “I liked method since we shared our views about subjects with our friends.” Based on the students’ responses, it could be said that students participated in lessons actively because they stated their views on the learning process, discussed with each other; and shared their views with friends, Meaningful and permanent learning: In the course of the interviews, students stated their views about meaningful and permanent learning; these were the most important aims of the learning process. Students presented views about learning well with concept cartoons assisted problem based learning. These opinions were: “This method helped me for learning well”; “This method provided for me to learn well. It was remarkable. I learned well with this method.”; “This method helped me for understanding subjects well”; “I learned well. Because there were events in the scenario that we meet in our daily life.”; and “I learned well, understood well by having fun. I used knowledge that I learned in the lessons in my daily life.” Students gave their views about learning permanently by using a concept cartoons assisted problem based learning method. These opinions were: “I learned well. This method helped me for remembering. I remembered everything after lessons.”; “I remembered mostly. It helped me to learn the subjects that I didn’t know. I learnt easily.”; and “I could remember caricature in daily life since there were shapes and paintings in caricatures. And also since caricatures spoke and discussed with each other, I remembered well.” Based on the students’ views, it could be said that students could learn well and meaningfully, use the knowledge in their daily lives and, with a concept cartoons assisted problem based learning method, learn permanently.