Dear Dad,
It is with great sorrow that I’m writing this to you. I’m leaving home and moving to
California with my friend Buster. We’re going to become professional surfers. I wanted
To avoid a scene with mom, so I’m leaving you this note. I know Mom doesn’t like Buster because of all the piercings and tattoos on his body, but he’s a good guy. Buster is friends with the owner of a surfing school, so we’ll get jobs coaching kids, and we’ll train for surfing
championships. l’ve always wanted to do this. I won’t go to college, so please keep the money for when you and Mom retire.
Could you please look after Willie, my hamster? Also, would you put Fred, my tortoise, out in the sun once in a while? Please give my toy car collection to little Ronnie next door. I’m
Taking some of my favorite comic books with me. I’ll pick up the rest of my stuff some time.
So don’t worry. I’ll be all right. Remember I’m sixteen, and I can take care of myself.
You son Robert
P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Mike’s house. I just wanted you to
Understand that there are worse things in life than the report card that’s in the top
Drawer of my desk. I love you. Can you call me when it’s safe to come home?