Nutritional status of mothers is considered one of the major problems facing mothers in the world. The nutrition plays a major role in mothers and child health. Objective: This study aims to assess mothers' nutritional status and its determinants in Alemtidad area, Khartoum. A descriptive community based survey was conducted in the Alemtidad area of Khartoum between November 2012 and December 2012. One hundred and eighty mothers were selected by simple randomization. Data were collected by using structured designed questionnaire which was then analyzed by SPSS program version 20. The study conducted among mothers in Alemtidad area; their age ranged between 19 and 86 years with the mean age 38 ± 12 years. From those mothers about half were unemployed, and having mainly primary and secondary educational level. 81.1% of mothers were not able to select the proper food according to age and nutrients and about 71.1% of mothers took two meals per day and 23.3% one meals per day, and only 5.6 take three meals per day.