But he did not believe it. He knew that e was in the room. He did not see my head in the room. But he felt it I waited a long time. Then I decided to open m lant Very, very slowly, I opened it a little. A thin line of light fell on the man's evil eye. The eye was open round and open. I felt sick. I became angry. My blood ran cold through my body. My hands were hot. My hair stood up on my skin. I did not see the man's face. I only saw the eye. Then I heard a sound. I knew that sound well. Bang, bang, bang. It grew quicker and louder. It was the beating of the old man's heart. But I did not move. I kept the light on the eye. I felt terror in my heart at that dead hour of the night. The noise grew louder. BANG, BANG, BANG! A neighbor will hear," I suddenly thought. This was the time! With a loud shout, I jumped into the room. He screamed. But he screamed only once. I pulled him to the floor. I pulled the bed on top of him. I pushed down hard on the bed. I smiled. My heart was happy. "I have done it!" I thought The heart was beating but more quietly now. It beat more slowly Finally it stopped. The old man was dead. I pulled the bed off him and looked at his body. Yes, he was dead. I placed my hand on his heart. I left it there for a few minutes. The heart did not beat. That eye will never look at me again, I thought. Now you will see that I am not mad. I planned my next moves carefully. I worked quickly and quietly through the night. I pulled up part of the floor and put the body under the floor. I put the floor back and put everything back in its place.