In 2009, almost two million people worldwide died of tuberculosis
(TB) (WHO, 2010). Elimination of TB by 2050 is a long-term
goal of the Word Health Organization (WHO) and their strategy
is heavily based on the improvements in the current diagnostics,
treatment and vaccination, as well as on the development of new
tools to control and fight the epidemic (WHO, 2010). However, in
order to control the epidemic, it is essential to understand its
Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is used to support
contact tracing and source case finding of Municipal Health Services
in the Western world and to study transmission on population
scale. DNA fingerprinting of M. tuberculosis isolates is
performed in combination with contact tracing by interviews. It
can also be used to confirm or dispute contact tracing information
(de Vries et al., 2009; Lambregts-van Weezenbeek et al., 2003).
Wide application of DNA fingerprinting surveillance has brought
to light that epidemiological links established by the fingerprints
can only in a minority of the cases be confirmed by conventional
contact tracing on basis of interviews (van Deutekom et al.,
In 2009, almost two million people worldwide died of tuberculosis(TB) (WHO, 2010). Elimination of TB by 2050 is a long-termgoal of the Word Health Organization (WHO) and their strategyis heavily based on the improvements in the current diagnostics,treatment and vaccination, as well as on the development of newtools to control and fight the epidemic (WHO, 2010). However, inorder to control the epidemic, it is essential to understand itscharacteristics.Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is used to supportcontact tracing and source case finding of Municipal Health Servicesin the Western world and to study transmission on populationscale. DNA fingerprinting of M. tuberculosis isolates isperformed in combination with contact tracing by interviews. Itcan also be used to confirm or dispute contact tracing information(de Vries et al., 2009; Lambregts-van Weezenbeek et al., 2003).Wide application of DNA fingerprinting surveillance has broughtto light that epidemiological links established by the fingerprintscan only in a minority of the cases be confirmed by conventionalcontact tracing on basis of interviews (van Deutekom et al.,
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