The study investigated the water-holding (WH) in meat in the pH–NaCl (ionic strength) combinations that
prevail in dry sausages during fermentation and drying. WH in raw beef homogenates, with 230% added
water, was determined by centrifugation at pH values of 5.47–4.60, and ionic strengths (μ) 0.50–1.50. The
minimum WH in relation to pH was at pH 4.8, but at higher pH values, the WH optimum was at 1.0–1.5 μ;
at lower pH-values (b5.0) the optimum was more pronounced at 1.0 μ. The WH reducing effect by pH
decrease was stronger than the effect of μ. At lower pH values, the relative effect of μ on WH was higher
compared to that of pH than at higher pH values. The pH–salt combinations prevailing in fermented sausage
in the beginning of the ripening produced a high WH, which decreased, first with pH decrease and then in the
last period of ripening mainly due to the increase of ionic strength.