This handle sword, although with falling that handle stone dagger modeling in Jianfeng is exactly the same, but is actually not that the stone dagger, but is clear long sword.
From its body, Lu Xuan can feel together existence of sword intent, this sword intent, compared with Lu Xuan's intermediate sword intent, but also is much more formidable, achieved any equivalent specifically, Lu Xuan does not know, but he pondered darkly at least is also the intermediate peak, even was sword intent of accomplishment time.
Sword intent above this moment this handle sword, being outspoken discharges in Lu Xuan sensation, seemed one comprehended the powerhouse in greatly strengthened sword intent, being outspoken opening own sword intent, whatever Lu Xuanlai sensed, this opportunity, it may be said that may with, but cannot ask.
Must know that initially Lu Xuan displayed his sword intent, whatever Lin Tian senses, enabling Lin Tian to gain the key to Little Cheng time sword intent, but Zhao Binger instruction, made Lu Xuan the sword intent be promoted the intermediate stage successfully.
At that moment, Lu Xuan the slight hesitation, the complete mind has not started to invest, is absorbing this sword intent greedily to realizing from experience that oneself bring, but at this moment, his own sword intent does not have opening of omen.
This accident, naturally instantaneously attracted above the arena the attention of people.
„How did Lu Xuan release sword intent suddenly?” Some [gold/metal] elder surprise make noise.
„Is it possible that is during the breakthrough, has sensed?” Yang Jiaoguan knits the brows slightly the guess.
Chen Mo soul strength sending out, surveys a [say / way] on Lu Xuan: „I can feel that Lu Xuan also immerses in now ** , it seems like it is the unconsciousness action.”
„Was difficult to be inadequate his sword intent to enter the step? Built up the body time to have intermediate sword intent, if were promoted again, how could it not be that was accomplishment time sword intent, on this day tax, was too formidable.” Although on Yang Jiaoguan mouth so said that but the complexion is feeling pleased, Lu Xuan the talent will be stronger, represents his future achievement to be higher.
Lu Xuan the sudden sword intent fluctuation, making Gong Elder slightly somewhat restless, the matter leaves must have the monster unusual, he does not hope to see Lu Xuan some strength again many promotion.
Although Brother Wei also frowned, but has not said anything, he had decided that no matter Lu Xuan is up to mischief, he must compel Lu Xuan and its war.
Chen Mo sensation has surrounded the landing porch, the condition of attention landing porch, for fear that has any mistake, several people above arena, by the relations, he are without doubt most intimate with Lu Xuan, because Lu Xuan is his **.
Chen Mo is paying attention, in heart the color of surprise makes more and more, because he can feel, sword intent that Lu Xuan discharges, is stiffening unceasingly, although the speed is very slow, but can actually feel obviously.
The time, little passing, weather also started darkly, now already passed through the dinner time, but the audiences under stage ** did not have one to leave as before.
Although Lu Xuan now not sober, who knows that then can sober, because if went to eat meal to miss the splendid place, that may be a pity.
Although these ** the strength is too not strong, but a day does not eat meal, will not have any big problem, let alone.
But Lu Xuan sword intent, as in unceasing enhancement, this time, even if were that Brother Wei somewhat could not sit still, although Lu Xuan the present strength he has not placed in the eye, but looked in a short time sword intent of landing porch was getting stronger and stronger, let him panic-strickenly.
This Lu Xuan, is actually any talent, including breaking through one builds up the body nine seriously, can have these many sensibility, is extremely rather astonishing.
This moment Lu Xuan, in eye already only remaining that sword, although the sword intends to the unceasing promotion, but he can feel that distance this sword intent that the sword sends out, but also has very long distance, now he can definitely affirm that this sword intent that the sword sends out, absolutely incessantly intermediate stage, ten it ** is sword intent of accomplishment time.