volumes. Membranes compacted with 5 L of MilliQ water
showed the lowest hydrophobic properties ( water ¼ 49.7), fol-
lowed by membranes compacted with tap water ( water ¼ 56),
and deionized water ( water ¼ 68.9), with the surface hydro-
phobicity varying in the following order: MilliQ < tap < DI
water. Increasing permeate volumes did not affect the van der
Waals (
LW) character of the compactedmembranes. However,
membranes compacted with deionized water showed lowest
van der Waal surface properties with 37 mJ m2
compared to
membranes compacted with MilliQ (42.3 mJ m2
)water respectively. A significant decrease in Lewis
Base (
) membrane character was noticeable from 2 L to 5 L
permeation using MilliQ water, whereas the same drop in
Lewis base properties occurred earlier from 0.5 L to 2 L in
membranes compacted with deionized and tap water. Mem-
brane Lewis Acid ( þ) character decreased by 2.5 fold from0.5 L
and 2 L permeated volumes of MilliQ, and during 2 L to 5 L
permeated volumes of deionized water. A 13.7 fold increase of
Lewis Acid (
þ) character was observed in compacted mem-
brane after permeation of 2 L to 5 L tap water.
volumes. Membranes compacted with 5 L of MilliQ watershowed the lowest hydrophobic properties ( water ¼ 49.7), fol-lowed by membranes compacted with tap water ( water ¼ 56),and deionized water ( water ¼ 68.9), with the surface hydro-phobicity varying in the following order: MilliQ < tap < DIwater. Increasing permeate volumes did not affect the van derWaals (LW) character of the compactedmembranes. However,membranes compacted with deionized water showed lowestvan der Waal surface properties with 37 mJ m2compared tomembranes compacted with MilliQ (42.3 mJ m2)andtap(45.5mJm2)water respectively. A significant decrease in LewisBase () membrane character was noticeable from 2 L to 5 Lpermeation using MilliQ water, whereas the same drop inLewis base properties occurred earlier from 0.5 L to 2 L inmembranes compacted with deionized and tap water. Mem-brane Lewis Acid ( þ) character decreased by 2.5 fold from0.5 Land 2 L permeated volumes of MilliQ, and during 2 L to 5 Lpermeated volumes of deionized water. A 13.7 fold increase ofLewis Acid (þ) character was observed in compacted mem-brane after permeation of 2 L to 5 L tap water.
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