A thought is an idea; however it only becomes an idea once it is communicated. The thing about ideas, and our minds, is that our minds are literally limitless in the potential they possess. With that in mind, millions of thoughts run through our mind each and every day. What separates a successful individual from one who gets stuck in the system society provides is the COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS, and the DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS. Why is the communication of ideas so important? One must always be learning. If MY IDEA is different than YOUR IDEA, than you must communicate your idea to me so that I can put my perspective on your idea so that you can understand it. See, I can tell you my idea, and you might be like “yeah brian, that sounds right!” However in order to UNDERSTAND my idea, instead of just reading it, you must communicate your idea with mine so that we can level and find the best idea to better BOTH of our situations. It is not just ONE that benefits from the development of an idea, the one sharing the idea, it is BOTH parties because an idea communicated from ME to YOU opens up pathways in your brain that you didn’t know existed because of our limited perception. YOU do the same to ME by sharing your ideas with me.