Preposterous!” said the Ji youth with a cold laugh. Ignoring Meng Hao, he immediately shot toward Fang Yu. As he neared, he waved his right hand, causing a field of stars to appeared behind him. Fang Yu gave a cold snort and also advanced. She lifted her hand, forming a fist and punching out into the air. A huge boom resonated out in all directions.
Meng Hao immediately tumbled backward, then picked a random direction and sped off.
His face was grim. He could see that Ji Hongdong had seen through him; he didn’t point it out and immediately pursue Meng Hao because of the Fang girl. Instead of saying something, he planned to come after Meng Hao later, alone.
The walls continued to fill with cracks, although Meng wasn’t sure how long it would take until they completely crumbled. He slapped his bag of holding to retrieve the good luck charm. He pressed down on it, after which a frustrated look appeared on his face.
For the first time ever, the good luck charm was powerless to teleport him away.
“I can’t place all of my hope on the collapse of this place….” thought Meng Hao. He knew full well that before the place fell to pieces, he had somewhat of a chance to flee. However, once the collapse was complete, if Ji Hongdong came after him, he would be in a very bad position.