Functional exercise capacity will be measured using the Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT). The 6MWT is a self-paced task that has been used to assess functional exercise capacity within a variety of chronic conditions, as well as in healthy adults [84,85]. It is a practical and simple test which does not require expensive equipment or advanced training for technicians, and only requires a 100-ft walkway. The test involves asking people to walk the longest distance possible on an over-ground, hard surface in a period of 6 minutes. It has been shown to have good reliability and validity when used to assess functional capacity [86,87]. These walks will be performed on a smooth level surface in an under-cover area, using a straight 30 meter line marked off in 5 m segments by a piece of adhesive tape. Technicians will encourage participants with standardized statements such as You’re doing well, Keep up the good work, and do your best, and the total distance walked will be recorded in meters. Percent predicted values for 6MWT will be calculated using the regression equation described by Enright & Sherrill [88].